Friday, December 1, 2017

Holiday Food: A Blessing and a Curse

Today I met with my endocrinologist. My average blood sugar levels are not where she would like them. They show definite strain. I had met with a dietician a few months ago to help lower my sugar levels with diet. Three weeks into my new diet, I started violently vomiting and pulled muscles in my ribcage area. I thought I was having a phantom pancreatic attack. After oral pain medicine did not help, I went to the ER. I was given IV nausea and pain medicine and felt better for a few hours. The very next day the pain was back with vengeance. I went to MUSC and was told I needed to switch medicine for my acid reflux and may have an ulcer. After a 12 hour fast, an endoscopy determined I still had food sitting in my stomach. My gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying) had flared up. Unfortunately, the diabetic diet and gastroparesis diet have very little overlap.
The holidays seem extra hard as I love Christmas cookies, bread, stuffing, potatoes, and generally all foods that are all terrible for a diabetic. How do I enjoy the holidays and not kill my islet cells? I’ve decided to drink lots of water and eat cheese (protein) before going to any Christmas event. If I have an empty stomach, it is much harder to have self-control.
I want to keep my islet cells happy as long as possible, especially because I can’t grow any new ones. However, the solution now is for me to give myself an injection of insulin every night. I really dislike needles.

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