Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Evacuating is a mix of emotions. It means a spontaneous vacation and opportunity to visit with family. However, it also means looking around at all of your belongings and quickly prioritizing what to take. With a baby this year, more space needed to be dedicated to a pack'n play, toys, diapers, etc. I know the important things to pack - insurance papers, birth certificate, passport, medicines and photographs. My wedding album is definitely a must. Similar to a trip, I tell myself anything I forget, I can buy at the store. Unlike a trip, I may return home to nothing. It is hard to look at furniture that has been in my family for generations and the piano I grew up playing and think they may be destroyed. These thoughts remind me to the reality that my heart is tied to objects. I feel guilty as I try to live my life treasuring relationships above everything else. As I look into my little girl’s eyes, I instantly am reminded that I would happily give away everything to keep her safe and healthy.

It was a little eerie leaving our home at 3 am. I passed car dealerships that were empty. Homes and businesses were boarded up.

We merged onto I-95 in the middle of the night. I couldn't believe the road was packed. I was thankful it was moving, but nervous as vehicles surrounded my car. The first rest stop I passed had vehicles parked 3 and 4 deep.

When we finally arrived at my aunt's home. I was exhausted and relieved. It was while I was unpacking that I realized my insulin pen was not in my purse. Ahh! I thought I had been so well prepared. Thank goodness I fill my prescription at a national retail pharmacy. I was able to get a new insulin pen.

My words of wisdom would be to always have all of your medicine, in one place, so in an emergency it can be gathered quickly.