Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Early fireworks - MIRACLE!

Dearest faithful friends and family,

A tremendous MIRACLE happened today.  I went to my pancreas doctor at Hopkins (Dr. Singh) and there were heaps of unexpected blessings and surprises.  (Side note: 2 miles before we arrived at the doctor’s Jack’s electricity went down in the car.  Fortunately, turning the A/C off solved the problem.)  Dr. Singh was ready to schedule my surgery for this summer until he heard how wonderful I am doing.  Dr. Singh was shocked to hear that I have been eating for three weeks without horrific pain AND that I am completely off narcotics.  Now Dr. Singh wants to send other patients to my acupuncturist.  Based on his response, I am guessing my case is unusual.  Dr. Singh even mentioned doing a case study on me.  I won’t pretend to fully understand the Lord’s purpose, but it appears my positive experience with acupuncture may give future patients relief rather than surgery or pain medication.  Already several friends in the area have been to Min (the acupuncturist) and have also had amazing results.  I will put her information below.

I cannot begin to capture in words how relieved I am to not have to have horrible surgery that would split my abdomen in half, require a feeding tube, require me to give myself insulin shots and spend more weeks in the hospital.  Instead, I get to eat and taste normal food and focus on getting stronger in a home.  All of the praise and glory belongs to the Lord – for He is indeed faithful!  Jack and I were carried many times during this trial via your encouraging words and prayers.  We cannot begin to express our gratitude.

Some additional good news.  The surgery to remove the pancreas is for pain management, so not having the surgery does not harm my body in any way.  If down the road I would have a slew of bad pancreatitis attacks, I would only have to have my glucose checked to reapply for the surgery.  From my recent tests it was verified that my liver is strong, my stomach is emptying by itself (this was not always the case), I am not pre-diabetic, and my pancreas continues to show signs of pancreatitis.  This latter information illustrates that even with some pancreatitis, the pain is managed through acupuncture.  Another MIRACLE!  I will continue taking enzymes every time I eat – I can handle this!

What next?

Well, hopefully sleep.  I have been struggling with insomnia in part to morphine withdrawal and in part to concern over this surgery.  I have been narcotic free for over a week and the withdrawal symptoms are supposed to disappear within 2 weeks.  Again, I couldn’t have gotten off and stayed off narcotics without prayers.

I still have a blood clot, so I will continue to have that monitored.  No biggie.

The past two weeks I had tests at Hopkins that included radioactive material.  This combined with withdrawal and stress have worn me out, but I am confident that I am being refreshed, renewed and restored for what God has next.

I see my primary care physician on Friday.  He will have the final word as to when I can return to work.  I am eagerly looking forward to work, but trying to balance it with listening to my body and taking one day at a time.  

Thus, we are home a bit hot, but totally happy!!!  Hope each of you have a wonderful 4th of July.  I will be celebrating extra freedoms this year!

Blessings and deepest gratitude,

Acupuncture information:
Min Xiong (board certified and licensed acupuncturist)
60 N. West End Ave.
Lancaster, PA 17603
(parking behind building)
Phone: 717-481-8707