Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankful for More Milestones to Celebrate!

Hi faithful friends and family,

I have been celebrating and rejoicing over several milestones.

The beginning of Oct. marked one year of employment and service for my husband at the church here in SC.

November 10th marked 10 months being pancreas-free.

Today marks 6 months since I last needed insulin!

I would greatly appreciate prayers as I enter my first holiday season as a diabetic. I am also experiencing some withdrawal symptoms as I try to gradually get off of some more medicine. Hopefully, once this medicine is out of my system I will feel less foggy and fatigued. I continue to seek discernment as to where and how God wants to use me while trying to embrace the present.

As always, thank you for your prayers and encouragement and know I am delighted and honored to pray for you.

May you know how thankful I am for YOU!

Deepest gratitude,