Monday, June 10, 2013

5 months - hit a pothole in the road to recovery

Hi faithful friends and family,

Today marks 5 months pancreas-free.  I have continued to be surrounded by miracles and blessings.  Like an Easter egg hunt, some blessings have been easier to spot than others.

A huge blessing: I got to enjoy 4 days in Chicago spending time with friends from college and celebrating the marriage of a friend who has been, like Anne of Green Gables describes, “a kindred spirit”.  Not only was I able to be present for the wedding, but I was able to stand, dance, eat, catch up in person with friends who have been super supportive, but whom I have not seen in years.  I got to hold a baby and interact with super cute children.  I felt young again.  I got to observe my husband be super amazing in new ways.  It was easy to fill my gratitude journal, because I was on top of a very high mountain.

For the past month or so I have struggled with job searching.  To be honest, it has not been pretty –  I have become obsessed with on-line searches, stressing over what makes financial sense, what am I qualified for, what am I passionate about, and do I have “what it takes” energy wise to do it well.  Instead of staying grounded in my trust of God and the peace the Lord provides, I was floundering in distress.  My mind became so future-focused, that I had little energy or concentration for anything else.

It took an unexpected death of a beloved church member on May 23rd to remember life is short.  By God’s grace, the funeral was 12 hours before we had to leave for the airport to fly to Chicago.  I was blessed to be present at the celebration of one man’s life and then able to be present with my husband at the celebration of a new life through marriage.

This past week literally and figuratively wiped me out.  I anticipated being tired after a week of high energy and emotions.  However, I did not anticipate pain and its forms.  I started having pain and passed out at our kitchen table early Tuesday morning.  I attributed it to my sleep schedule being off and my body tired from travel.  Wednesday evening I was at a church event and blacked out.  I feel like I am back at the butchers with knives jabbing my ribcage and abdomen.  

Ready for the hidden blessings? 

Both Tuesday and Wednesday, my husband was present.  This would have been much scarier if I had been alone.  Wednesday night my husband caught me, so I did not hit my head.  A week earlier and this would have occurred in Chicago.  I have been slowly decreasing a nerve blocking pain medicine in hopes of increasing my energy.  I saw a local doctor on Friday who believes my pain may have been previously masked and now my body is responding to the pain by shutting down.  The cause for the pain may be scar tissue or an adhesion that is affecting my digestion.  Good news, since I am not vomiting, I do not have a blockage.  Also, good news I am able to be seen at MUSC by my surgeon Tuesday morning, 24 hours before I fly North for a friend’s wedding in my hometown.

Prayer request:
1) To hold on to hope and not be discouraged by this pothole in the road to recovery.    
2) Conclusive answers Tuesday and a simple solution to the pain and ultimately the issue.
3) Another safe and joyful opportunity to celebrate and see loved ones.

I will try and post something Tuesday once I know more.  I am confident that this is a minor detour.  Nevertheless, I REALLY appreciate your continued love, support, prayers and encouragement. 

Blessings, love and humble gratitude,

P.S. I wrote a 4 month update, but forgot to post-it.  See below.

Four months pancreas-free update (typed 5/9/13)

Good morning faithful friends and family,

I am going to try and be brief.  Here goes...

Huge praises:

1) 9 days on a cruise with my family and no health hiccups (no pain, lots of delicious desserts, islet cells kept up, great weather, lots of fun and rest)
2) Realizing a year ago, I was not allowed to eat any food and was on a PICC line - now no food restrictions - what a difference a year makes!
3) Tomorrow marks the 4 month benchmark from surgery - this past month has gone a lot faster than the previous months with very little pain.  Praise be to God!

Prayer requests:

Employment - I have needed some spiritual duct tape to put myself together after the door shut on several dream-sounding jobs.  I desire to glorify God through my employment.  I still have 2 more months before I can begin to work, so it may be premature to be looking.  However, those who know me, know that I strive to have my ducks in a row.  Thus, waiting and not knowing is very hard for me.  Prayers for peace during this time of continued healing would be much appreciated.  Prayers for discernment would also be greatly appreciated.  My body becomes tired easily, so I need to be realistic with the type of work I pursue.

Thank you for your continued prayers.  My quality of life is so, so, so much better.  I can't begin to thank each of you for your prayers and encouragement during this long and rocky season.  I would be delighted and honored to pray for you or for someone you love.  I am just an email away.
