Thursday, August 1, 2013

prayers answered!

Dearest faithful friends and family,

I am swelling with praises and my fingers cannot type fast enough.  Prayers have been answered!

Sunday night when I typed my previous update and requested prayers, I was feeling terrified.  My feelings were neither rational nor logical.  Endoscopies are not scary, but I was scared of the results.  I was petrified of a complication from surgery requiring additional hospitalization.  

I felt the prayers in little and humongous ways.  

The nurses were all super sweet and friendly.  As my main nurse was going over my medical history, gratitude began rising in me.  Heart problems? No.  Lung problems? No.  High blood pressure? No.  There are a lot of organs and systems in my body that are very healthy.  I had temporarily lost sight of these blessings.  As bizarre as this may sound, being reminded of all of the health in my body provided me with peace and joy.

My anesthesiologist had a contagious smile and reminded me of a dear family friend, Sam Rice.  What a gift to be surrounded by kind, compassionate and competent individuals.  

For whatever reason, when the nurses prepped me, I was not given an IV.  If I haven't mentioned before, I hate IVs.  All of a sudden, I was next to go in.  A swarm of nurses quickly surrounded me, put me on oxygen, inserted an IV and started the sleepy stuff.

When I woke up and saw Jack's face, I informed him that I was next.  I was utterly confused and dazed when he told me it was all over.

Now, for the humongous praise: my esophagus and stomach lining look good, where I had surgery is healing properly and I have no adhesions.  Can I get an Amen?!

The only issue seen was food sitting in my stomach after 15 hours of fasting.  FYI: a normal stomach empties after 45 minutes of eating.  This may sound twisted, but this is an answer to prayer.  I wanted something small to be found, so a source for the pain could be addressed.  I have had this issue before.  Gastroparesis (the medical term for delayed stomach emptying) is treated naturally by eating smaller meals and consuming foods that are easier to digest.  In the past I have had bacteria overgrowth caused by undigested food.  I have a feeling this may be the culprit.  To confirm my hypothesis a test is done where the patient blows into a bag every 15 minutes for 2 needles and no pain.

All this to say, I felt relief wash over me.  Your prayers caught me and lifted me up, as if I was crowd surfing at a concert.  The imagery of God's hands holding us has jumped out at me as I have been reading the Psalms.  I have been overwhelmed by the responses of people praying and have felt like your prayers are a way God's hands are at work.  

Final thought that I feel compelled to share.  Monday evening while reading Broken Body, Healing Spirit by Mary C. Earle, the author explains that a person can be healed without being cured and cured without being healed.  I have been wresting with why suffering continues when a loving and healing God reigns.  This was a revelation to me and I eagerly shared it with my husband. He kindly responded, "Becky, you have told me this several times before." Thank goodness for reminders, because I forget.

Please know this update comes packed with gratitude and appreciation for your encouragement and prayers.

With humble gratitude and praise,