Monday, December 10, 2012


Hi dearest friends and family,

A month from today, on January 10th, I will have my pancreas, spleen and part of my stomach removed.  Time has been flying by so fast I forgot to send an update with the surgery date.  

I realize this time of year is full, so I will be brief.

I have 4 HUGE praises/answers to prayer:

1) I started on a new pain medicine and it has significantly decreased my daily pain.  I am able to enjoy life more and there is extra to enjoy this time of year...decorations, time with friends and family, smell of cookies, carols, etc.

2) MUSC (the hospital where I will be having the surgery) was able to put me in touch with someone who had the same surgery in 2009 with the same surgeon I will have.  She answered all of my questions and provided me with tremendous peace of mind.

3) January 10, 2013 and onward I will never have a pancreatitis attack or develop pancreatic cancer.  Hallelujah!

4) My parents and husband will be by my side before and after the surgery.  My mom is going to stay with me until I can take care of myself.  The hospital stay is 10-30 days and the estimated recovery is 6 months with the first 3 months being the hardest.  In my humble opinion, I have the best mother, so I will receive excellent care.  Of course, I will be in the best hands, the Lord's, because God promises never to leave us nor forsake us.  

I have a few specific prayer requests:

1) To stay healthy, so I can be as strong as possible prior to surgery.  This requires prioritizing and pacing myself, which is not my natural gift.

2) Wisdom for the doctors, surgeons, nurses, etc. who will be a part of my healing process.

3) Lots of islet cells.  The more islet cells that can be extracted from my pancreas and transplanted into my liver, the less likely I will be insulin dependent (aka diabetic).

4) Support for my caregivers, especially my dad, my mom and Jack.  I am a screamer and don't like foreign tubes in my body.  In the past, my mom has spent nights holding my hands, so I don't pull tubes out in my sleep.

5) Lastly for peace.  Peace before the surgery and peace through the recovery.   My hope is to glorify God through this season and having the Lord's peace is a key ingredient. 

Your prayers are greatly appreciated.  My plan is that the next update will be from Jack after the surgery.  He will post it here on this blog.

As always, I would be honored to lift up any and all prayer requests.  Please let me know how I can pray for you or someone you love.  

I wish you a very merry season of preparation and celebration of our Savior's birth.  Wishing each of you a happy and healthy 2013!  Thank you for your compassion and kindness through this past year.
